Exam results

You may want to get a copy of the exam with all the answers too. It's already here.

Jorge 63% 55% 1 70%
Luis Manuel 38% 7 37%
Ignacio 73% 55% 27 87%
Alberto 41% 6 39%
Diego 59% 40% 22 73%
Johan 57% 20% 19 65%
Tomasz 67% 80% 20 82%
Vladislav 63% 100% 22 82%

Solved lab test is also available.

The column "total" includes your assignments too (if any).

Marks are calculated as follows:
TOTAL = EXAM * (9 - #ASSIGN) / 10 + #ASSIGN * 10 + ATTENDANCE * 10 / 27 + LAB.TEST / 10

Fall term is over

Lectures are interrupted till the beginning of Spring term. I guess we'll keep you busy with exams. Please remember there is still one week to turn in assignment #2.

My best wishes with the exams.

Johan, we'll miss you.

Maybe some new students will join us next term.