Nice video

Just in case you wondered how fiber optics really work ...

Marks have been published

You can find them here. The last column is where the final mark is. Please remember that each term mark is obtained from attendance(10%), assignments(20%) and exam(90%-70% depending on the correct assignments turned in, 90% if none, 70% if two).

Final mark average is 55%. Nine people failed and twenty one passed the subject.

Marked exams will be published shortly for you to double check the grading process.

  • First term exam is no longer online.
  • Second term exam is no longer online. And solved exam is here.
Error Fix (Jun 18): There was an error in the assignments marks, it should be fixed now.

Network security videos

If you want to review some of the basic concepts on network security while practicing your Spanish skills, you want to have a look to these videos.

Fourth assignment solution

Google Code Jam 2011

In just a few hours it will start the Qualification Round for CodeJam. CodeJam is an open contest for programmers to show how good they are. Winner can get up to $10.000 in cash.

How to tell if it is blocked in China?

As you may know, some countries do block certain websites "for the own good of their population". It is an activity other countries will call censorship. But ... how do you know if your site is blocked in a given country?

The obvious answer is to ask a local to try your site, but this system, though it works nicely if you know someone there, it may not be practical for some destinations.

Alternatively, you can use services like this one to perform a check on a website from different locations. Of course they have just a few available (some of them in China).

Next week I am going to China and while I was expecting them to be able to see our blog I realized that was not the case because all blogs are blocked by the Great Firewall of China. Fortunately, I was able to easily move all the content to a blog that works nicely there.

Fourth (and last) assignment is out

I have prepared a fourth assignment that I expect you all to find it easy (as the last one was challenging for many of you). Again, we are dealing with UDP communication and in this case your job is to create a chat server.

As we did for third assignment, the client program is going to be netcat command (nc).

This last assignment is due by noon on the May 5th, 2011. No late submissions will be accepted. Please remember to do the assignment just by yourself.

By now, you should already know assignment can be downloaded by clicking on the title of this entry, shouldn't you?

Third assignment solution

It seems many of you have found the third assignment frightening or maybe you were too busy with other subjects (or partying?). The success ratio of entries turned-in has been 100% but I know of some students who dropped it after a while.

Please remember the solution provided here (click on this entry title) is just one reference solution for you to study. In fact some of the solutions followed a completely different approach (one thread per pending wake-up).

Of course, "regular expression" parsing is beyond the scope of our subject and it won't be in the exams either.

Marks appear in the "Assignments" tab of the attendance record page.