1st chapter slides

As I mentioned today in the lecture, here you have the slides from Chapter 1. I have created a Google Docs spreadsheet that will contain all the relevant information about your performance (i.e. class attendance, assignments, etc).

Unfortunately today the service is not working nicely and at the moment I cannot even access that page. As soon as they are back on-line I'll post here the URL for that page.

It is advisable that you check your attendance record from time to time. Please report any error you may find as soon as possible.

Update: Attendance spreadsheet is back on-line.

Update2: Lab calendar is here.

Here we go again

A new course starts on Monday. Amazingly over 25 students are already enrolled on the group, this has to be an all times record for our subject. I want to welcome you all and I hope you'll enjoy the subject.

For the moment I'm only making the course syllabus available. All the slides and interesting materials will be added to this blog little by little. Feel free to go back in time too, but please be warned that links from years ago may no longer be working.