Nice video

Just in case you wondered how fiber optics really work ...

Marks have been published

You can find them here. The last column is where the final mark is. Please remember that each term mark is obtained from attendance(10%), assignments(20%) and exam(90%-70% depending on the correct assignments turned in, 90% if none, 70% if two).

Final mark average is 55%. Nine people failed and twenty one passed the subject.

Marked exams will be published shortly for you to double check the grading process.

  • First term exam is no longer online.
  • Second term exam is no longer online. And solved exam is here.
Error Fix (Jun 18): There was an error in the assignments marks, it should be fixed now.

Network security videos

If you want to review some of the basic concepts on network security while practicing your Spanish skills, you want to have a look to these videos.