1st term marks

Exams have been marked. Most of you will find your estimate was pretty accurate, but a few cases differ more than 10%, some underestimated and others overestimated their mark. It is ok. Those having no mark is because they did not show up for the exam.

We've won three new students that just showed up for the exam (so they have 0% attendance), for these people, welcome to the class, I hope to see you more often. It is likely some new Erasmus students will join us for the 2nd term too.

Exam average mark is 45% and term average mask is 50%. Both Juan and Anush are our top scorers this term, congratulations!

However, our top scorer in the exam was not any of them but Michał, who scored 80%, congratulations too!

The most difficult question seemed to be (17) how to print the IP address of a received datagram packet. Nobody realized getAddress method returns a InetAddress object and not an IP address dotted decimal string. For that, getHostAddress method was needed.

Those of you below of 40% this term really need to get up to speed to pass this subject. Whether you plan on just focus on the second term or repeat the first term exam too is up to you. But I strongly recommend you to work quite a bit harder not to fail the subject.

To see the list you can click this entry title or just go to the attendance record link where all the details are found.

Update: You can now check marked exams. Please email me if you find any marking error you want me to have a look at.

Solved exam

Click on the title to have access to the solved exam.

I sent it to all of you by email too.

Please have a look at it and mark your own answers (I guess you remember what you answered this morning) using a digital logic: answers are either right or wrong.

Please note each right answer scores 2%.

Once you have marked your exam I want you to send me an email with your name and mark.

Please do so as fast as possible (as your memory about what you answered today will fade away).

Exam Remainder

Please remember REDES' exam will be held in building 1G next Monday, January 25th, at 9:00. Max exam duration is two hours.

X-ray your network communication

While we've presented netstat as a tool to help you watch your connections, if you're running Windows you may want to hear about TCPview. From their website:

TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. On Windows Server 2008, Vista, and XP, TCPView also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint. TCPView provides a more informative and conveniently presented subset of the Netstat program that ships with Windows. The TCPView download includes Tcpvcon, a command-line version with the same functionality.

Please note that the tool can also be useful to track down suspicious communications happening on your computer. You can easily know where your computer is connecting to and which process is doing it.