Wold Cup telnet fun

I've just learned that some people are using the old and aged telnet application for new uses:

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So try any of these live-streams based on telnet:

telnet ascii-wm.net 2006


telnet diego.ascii-wm.net 2006
telnet pinguin.eikon2.fs.ei.tum.de 2006


Anonymous said...

This is amazing. Now during the work I can have a lot of fun.
Some years ago at my home university students made a project of web cam signal catpure and adaptation under Linux's bash. But of course it was not that exiting like telnet one!
Best regards

misan said...

Hi Tomasz,

You might be surprised how easy to do this is once you learn about aalib. You may want to try

mplayer -vo aa yourdivxfile.avi

See you,

Miguel Sánchez