News and reminders

Since Nov 16th we will be back to the "Seminari Nord" room. I've just posted the text of the first assignment, and I want to remind you that --although it is optional work-- doing it right will be worth 5 out of 100 points.

You do the four scheduled assignments right and you already have 20% of the subject.

You come to all the classes and you have 10% more.

Still not enough to pass the subject (you need 50%) but closer ...

Just a word of warning: Assignments are personal work, not team work. Your code will be checked against all the other submitters. If a copy is found all the involved parties will score 0% no questions asked. It is in your best interest to keep your work for yourself.

As with any other doubts you may have about the subject, I'm available during office hours for helping you solving them.

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