Third assignment announcement

Third and forth assignments will be based on a peer-to-peer protocol invented for the occasion. The so-called "P+2" protocol has been created to be one of the simplest P2P protocols (but not any simpler). You need to read and to understand the protocol specification. Protocol was already presented in the class but if there is general call I will repeat the explanation.

This assignment covers three different servers needed to create a full implementation. Assignment's servers can be tested to work using either telnet, netcat (nc) or sock commands. Java language is mandatory for Spanish students but the rest may use the language of your choice. A working implementation of a peer is available too (just a binary version).

You can download assignment text from here. Or you can just go to the file repository (linked on the top right corner, under the new stuff title).

There is a sample peer running too. You may not need it yet for this assignment. Anyway, it is available at

You are welcome to ask me for help. Please remember you have to write code by yourself. As assignments are marked individually, it is not something you can develop jointly with a classmate. If two or more assignments are copied from each other all the involved parties will fail the assignment. Due date is March 13th.


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