Excellence in Teaching Awards 2009

I've been granted an Excellence in Teaching award from the local government. Among other things lecturing in English (or other foreign languages) and having high-marks on student surveys of teaching were topics assessed.

Now it is time to look around and to thank all the people that made this possible: from my colleagues who share an interest on teaching to my students who keep on asking questions. From all of them I learn a lot every day.

I'm also grateful for my University and government that through various programs have supported different visits and stays at foreign universities.

And last, but not least, to my dear family and friends who have always been there for me.

For all of these I'm grateful.


Unknown said...


Raquel said...

Congratulations Miguel!

Alex Salom said...

Congrats Miguel!

I really don't know you for long, but I know you deserve it!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, really deserved!

misan said...

Thanks a lot guys.